Goal: Improved Infrastructure for Better Mobility in the North Bay

Companies must go where the talent is, and the talent can’t get to North Bay. Highway 101 in Marin and Sonoma is backed up, causing costly daily delays for commuters, goods movement, and visitors. The two-lane Highway 37 is gridlocked most of the day and is prone to flooding in the winter months. School bus drivers, teachers, nurses, and like-commuters using the Richmond-San Rafael bridge sit in gridlocked traffic while a designated bike lane still exists, and data has not shown a mode shift in over four years.
These transportation challenges threaten the North Bay economy and public safety. As regional commutes rebound from the pandemic and become longer and more difficult, employers experience a shrinking labor market from which to draw the talent on which they rely, making the North Bay area a less attractive place to launch or expand a business. Unless urgently addressed, commute congestion and delay will inevitably slow economic and job growth, limiting its expansion throughout the Bay Area and its benefit to residents and governments.
Our Priorities
The near-term improvements on State Route 37 without costly delays.
The opening of the third lane on the Richmond San Rafael Bridge for an emergency breakdown lane as part of a multi-phase approach toward an HOV/bus lane.
A regional transportation funding measure to create a more seamless, safe, comfortable, and reliable transit rider experience in the near future.
Protecting taxpayers’ investments with strong accountability and reforms.
A focus on state and federal funding to maintain and rehabilitate the current transportation infrastructure.
Advocating for improvements that will reduce congestion on the region’s highways, roads, and bridges.