Member Benefits
Exclusive Access to State and Regional Leaders in the North Bay
Face to Face with Policy makers and civic leaders
Resource Hub for up-to-date information so you can make sound decisions for your organization
Share and learn best practices in all aspects of business
Opportunities to speak at events and meetings as the rep of your industry sector
Collective Impact on the issues that matter most to you
Elevated visibility and brand awareness for your organization
Protect and grow the economic vitality of the North Bay
Join a strong voice for sound public policy that actually leads to change and positive outcomes
Elevate and spotlight local leaders via our Leaders of the North Bay Awards Ceremony
Help make the North Bay a better place to work and live
Be a part of the conversation for future-focused work that will impact generations to come
Make meaningful connections with like-minded business leaders in your community
Pro-business advocacy on local, regional and state levels giving you a voice
Boosted profile of your organization in the community
Provide original research on the North Bay economy yearly at our State of the North Bay Conference